Are you looking for a perfect place where you can hear the true word of Yahweh? Right, you are not lost since you are at the right site where you will get to discover and unmask a lot considering YAHWEH's Sword. It is a great community congregation where you have surety that your spiritual needs more so regarding Yahweh’s word you will be well sorted. For this reason, you are supposed to do your investigations before you join such churches so that you can be certain that their doctrines are in line with your faith.
Always when determined to go for any church or organization such as Friday night and Saturday Shabbat celebrations you have one goal to hear the word of Yahweh and be nourished spiritually. So, if you select the right one that you will be comfortable with at all times that will make you happy all the time. When you select YAHWEH's Sword for instance you will have that opportunity to hear the word you want more so the messages ad scriptures are well analyzed and you are assured of spiritual growth. Thus, it is vital that you make the right decisions all the time whereby you will end up settling for the best.
Another thing is that you need to observe the events and celebrations. There are lots of celebrations you will find YAHWEH's Sword having throughout the years. Looking at their calendar of events you will be in a good position to know all these events and therefore you will be in a good position to observe them. For instance, there are Friday night and Saturday Shabbat celebrations and it is always important to be the part of those celebrating. If you are new to this YAHWEH's Sword you need to visit their web pages and read more concerning these celebrations. In this case, you will know what you are supposed to do for every celebration.
There is also a need to know their Shabbat service. You need to make sure that you are updated concerning when the Shabbat service is held and the time. Looking at the information on the web page of the YAHWEH's Sword you will get full details of how they do their Shabbat services and the day they have this service. In most cases, it is always on every 7th day which is Saturday. With this information, it will be hard for you to miss the service as you will avail yourself there on time and be able to get the word of scripture from the leaders.
You also need to know if they have ministries where you can join. For instance, there is YAHWEH's sisterhood where women and ladies both young and adult come together and share their things in line with the word of Yahweh. When you are in these ministries it becomes easy for you to learn much concerning this congregation and know your role so that you don’t become dormant but be well equipped and spiritually nourished to make you have a deep understanding of Yahweh.